Monday, August 27, 2007

How to Achieve Ripped and Cut Arms - Biceps and Triceps

There is nothing better than having big guns. Our arms the most seen part of our body, and the one thing secret or openly every weight lifter would like are those big, ripped, biceps and triceps that fill out the sleeves to our shirts. A nice horse shoe would look great as you flex your triceps muscles. So, how do we get ripped huge arms? Though most people want great looking arms, they lack the understanding of how to train them effectively.

Three things are very important to understand in how to build ripped huge arms. The first is that your biceps and triceps are considered small muscle groups. The second is the biceps are used in some facet in all pulling motions, and third that triceps are taxed in all pressing or pushing movements. It is important to understand how you are stimulating your biceps and triceps before you even get to isolated bicep and triceps exercises.

Because your biceps and triceps are a small muscle group and used in all upper body movements they need less direct isolation than people think. How many people have you seen who complain about the size of their arms and are doing endless bicep curls and triceps pressdowns.

One of the biggest pressing movements the bench press engages the triceps throughout the entire movement. It is the triceps that often fatigue before the chest muscles ever give out. When you look at the weight and stimulus of a bench press as compared to a triceps extension, you can see overwhelming load stimulating your triceps with a bench press.

Serious ripped arms comes from consistent intense effort in big back and chest movements. Muscle mass is a total sum gain and the bigger the weight and movement the bigger and more ripped the entire body gets. You will get a more ripped and defined triceps focusing on big chest movements than ever doing tons of triceps isolation movements. The best part is you will get a better chest as well.

Important for developing defined muscles is the fatigue factor. Often by the time you get to isolation exercises like curls and extensions, your biceps and triceps are already fatigued and don't have very much force output. We then by performing extra exercises on our smaller muscle groups send our triceps and biceps into overtraining which decreases performance of all strength training exercises.

Don't forget about your diet plan. If you are going to train hard you need to refuel your body for recovery and growth. That means eating carbohydrates as well. The #1 issue in most muscle development diets is too much protein and not enough carbs. For most weight lifters it isn't hard to get their protein shakes in. The problem lies with the fact that your entire strength workout requires 100% carbs for energy. If you don't have the complex carbohydrates stored in your muscle cells you lack the energy need to train at your max. You will always be coming up short with your results.

One more thing about diet, taking an Arginine supplement or Nitric Oxide supplement will support you in achieving larger arms. L-arginine is converted in nitric oxide (NO, NOX) in the body so many products use either Arginine or NO interchangeably. There is some debate to whether NO gives your muscles a pump look, which some swear by and others don't see the instant difference. What isn't a debate that Arginine is the amino acid that supports optimal oxygen levels in your blood stream. More oxygen means more energy for more intense workouts which leads to bigger arms, and more oxygen means greater removal of harmful toxins that destroy your muscle cells. Whether it gives you a pump or not taking a nitric oxide booster will give your muscles and workouts a needed kick.

Live Lean Today offers the best prices on sport performance supplements like NOX CG3 and all your athletic enhancement needs.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Tips to Achieve Ripped Muscles

The challenge has always been for people not just to lose a few pounds, but how do I get ripped muscles and abs. We have all been to the gym and think we look better though the belly still doesn't look the way we want. So instead of making it overwhelming, if you stick to some basic principles it may be the fast track for you to a ripped body. Most people inherently are doing typically one or two destructive simple things everyday that they are not aware of that keeps them from their goals.

1. 5 Small Meals – You may have heard that eating throughout the day is important though do you do it. Eating every 2-3 hours trains your body to burn fat as its major source of energy. Also, 5 small meals shuts off your body from storing fat into your fat cells. If you are not eating every 2-3 hours than every day you are doing something that stores fat and burns away muscle tissue. We know where most people store fat which is their belly or thighs. Meal replacement shakes are bars are perfect quick choices to help get a good meal with our stressful and hurried lives. Make sure your supplement has carbs for energy as protein only bars don't have the energy your body needs to keep burning fat.

2. Drink water and water – Yah, yah, I have heard that before. Though most people know they are supposed to drink water 6-8 glasses a day, the reality is people still don't do it. Making sure you get your water is an essential key to allowing your body to perform optimally. Without adequate water intake you have no chance to get a ripped lean body. If you take products like creatine you need more water as creatine absorbs water into your muscle cells. Water is need for all physiological process including your metabolism to function properly and to remove harmful toxins that damage your muscle cells out of your body.

3. Eat after 6pm – Most people think that they shouldn't eat after 6 pm or don't eat before going to bed. You want to eat as mentioned before every 2-3 hours. If you eat dinner at 6 pm and are up to 10 pm than you want another small snack at around 9 pm. People who starve themselves by not eating after 6 pm burn muscle tissue away all night. Your body needs energy; if you give your body energy in small portions throughout the day your body will reward you with a lean, mean, fat burning machine. Your body doesn't care about the time of day. Also, most people say don't eat a large meal before going to bed it is the large part that is the problem not the meal.

4. You do have do Cardio – Most people who want to rip up typically only exercise with strength training. To develop big muscles you do need to focus on strength training. To support ripping up though, you need to be able to shed extra fat off your body. Interval cardio training is considered one of the most effective ways to raise your metabolism and burn fat. People after doing an interval workout burn more fat during the entire day than any other form of cardio exercise. Interval workouts are short durations of high intensity followed by short durations of low intensity, and then repeated. Proper cardio training is best done with a heart rate monitor and having specific heart rate zones designed for your physiology.

5. Carbs and Protein – Most people attempting to rip up over do their protein intake. You can feel the extra protein going through you because extra gas or issues with your stools. Your body does need protein to rebuild muscle tissue and is essential in each on of your 5 small meals to get lean proteins into your diet. Most people cut carbs because they see the pounds on the scale drop when they do. Carbs absorb water and when you cut carbs your weight loss is coming from water not fat. During strength training your only source of energy is carbohydrates. If you are cutting carbs out of your diet or reducing them to low levels you will never have the energy to train at your max and develop the muscle mass size you want. You want at least 50-55% of your calories coming from complex carbs. As you get more ripped you increase total amount of all carbs, fats, and proteins, not just add more protein.

6. Antioxidants – The harder you train the most energy you produce. Energy or calorie production creates by-products that are toxic if left in the body. Especially, with people who train often and intensely they do not get adequate amounts of antioxidants to remove the harmful metabolic wastes. Metabolic wastes or free radicals left in the body do muscle cell damage and prevent you from developing lean muscle tissue from your hard work. Add a multivitamin with antioxidants or I recommend Meridium XN which is the most powerful antioxidant on the market.

The last thing for one more tip is get your sleep. All your body's adaptations and results occurs while you are sleeping. If today you had the world's greatest diet and fitness program and then got 5 hours of sleep you pretty much wasted al that effort. It is also important to get up the same time everyday including weekends.

Live Lean Today offers the latest fitness training and diet information, as well as, the best prices on sport supplements, heart rate monitors, and fitness equipment.

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Liquid Masterdrol LG Sciences Rewiew

You may not know this but LegalGear’s Masterdrol Series was the best selling prohormone in our entire line, even better than Methyl 1-Test! We were the first to release methyl delivery systems, which revolutionized prosteroids and we have done it again with LIQUID MASTERDROL! We give to you the final product in our MASTERDROL SERIES.

The original Masterdrol was a huge success, quickly followed by Masterdrol V2 (RIP from the ban of 2004) and Methyl-Masterdrol (RIP in the FDA ban of 2005). We proudly give you Liquid Masterdrol, the final in the series…our ultimate creation. With the passing of LegalGear and the licensing of the product line to LG Sciences, we knew we needed to revive this monster and give the people what they want...the calls were too great, the people demanded the results…and of course we delivered!

LegalGear was a brand that is known for innovation and quality. I can’t tell you the countless emails stating “your M1T worked better than any other brand on the market” “I love your Masterdrol” “can I still buy Methyl 1-P?”. LG Sciences provides the same GMP certified quality, honesty and science. LegalGear was the first company to include NAC in it’s Methyl 1-Test, it was also the first company to include policosanol in it’s other prohormones. LG Sciences gives the same great quality, safety and ingredients as the old LegalGear used to provide.

So, we had an impossible job ahead of us, find something LEGAL that works like the old Masterdrol….
What was the problem? Find something that works. Progestins that work are gone, SD, DMT and HD are gone, so we had to find another winner that would be 100% legal and still be a prohormone that gives results like the old stuff without getting another letter. Will Liquid Masterdrol ever be banned? Who knows, with the climate the way it is in professional sports, you just never know, but for now it is 100% legal and 100% potent.

So, the superstar we chose in the next generation is the last legal ANDROSTANE. Other potant steroids ANAVAR, PROVIRON, MASTERON, STENELONE, METHSTENELONE are ANDROSTANES. Some other androstanes you might remember are Masterdrol, Methyl Masterdrol, androstanediol and androstanedione better known as 5aAndro. All of these ANDROSTANE steroids have one thing in common, crazy strength gains with incredible hardening. The new Liquid Masterdrol has the same basic structure of Masterdrol, Masterdrol V2 and Methyl Masterdrol and it is a prohormone capable of giving the same gains in strength and extreme intensity in the gym, IF you can unlock the secret of potent delivery. We have solved this problem and made the safest and most effective product ever! This time however, we will not be ripped off. We have patented our Methyl Block™ delivery method and this time we will sue anyone that tries to rip off our patent protected delivery system! So, DON’T even try it! ANDROSTANE with Methyl Block and Ethyl Ester will give you the results you expect from a company with our history and a name like Masterdrol.

Steroids like Proviron, Masteron and Anavar are androstanes and have the same skeletal structure as our new Liquid Masterdrol and they have the exact same molecular weight skeleton. This is why we chose androstane to be our horse and Ester with Methyl Block™ to be our delivery system, like we did with 17aa - Methyl 1-Test, Methyl 1-P and Masterdrol V2.

The effect of Androstanes
In looking at the literature, you find that many androstane based steroids are usually deactivated in muscle, which is why you can’t just buy any product thrown together without the HEAVY science behind it. Proviron solves this problem by methylating the 1 postion, Masteron solves this issue by methylating the 2 position as did the old Methyl Masterdrol. What did this teach us? If you can prolong the half life of the androstane skeleton, stabilize the 3 position and give an effective dose, you can get the SAME results which is pretty damn cool. You need a good dose of androstane ester, but that’s why we gave you 300mg per serving more than 3X any other prohormone EVER made. How does it work? First, the ester protects the molecule and VASTLY increases it’s half life in the body by being metabolized more slowly by esterase. Which also blocks 3bHSD in the liver. Longer half life is the secret of Methyl steroids and makes Liquid Masterdrol so potent and effective. We were not satisfied there though, we then added our Methyl Block technology that boosts half life even further and adds potency by blocking liver destruction, sufatase and glucoronidase enzymes along with upregulating 3bHSD to convert more of the base prohormone into an active steroid. Combined, Methyl Block and Ester make for ONE HELL OF A PRODUCT that we can be proud to call Masterdrol!

Kick back and let me explain why Liquid Masterdrol is the most advanced product of its kind and why the people that doubted the AMAZING LG Sciences, get the proverbial SMACKDOWN once again in the science department.

Big Myth #1 “The liver destroys prohormones”….WRONG!
I don’t blame you, I believed it too. “They” told us “The liver is the enemy…the first pass metabolism is what destroys prohormones and converts them into useless metabolites vs. active prohormones.” Remember? We have all read how Testosterone orally is ineffective because of the liver destroying it… In fact some people tell you to drink grapefruit juice or take some useless grapefruit extract to deactivate the liver enzymes, so a few precious milligrams of ACTIVE hormone can get through. Oh, they also came up with this BULLSHIT lymphatic delivery crap too, that we all bought into as a way to increase the bioavailability of hormones.

What if I could show you how our ANDROSTANE derivatives in Liquid Mastrdrol actually get converted to STENELONE derivitives in the stomach and that the STOMACH and INTESTINE are actually what causes the problems with old prohormones, not the liver? Also I am going to show you how we used turned those findings into a system that works in reverse. What used to disable the old prohormones is the same system we use to ACTIVATE our ANDROSTANES. I am about to do just that for you!

It’s not the liver that causes the issues it’s the “gut” or intestinal systems! To quote a study “Our findings suggest that the gut, rather than the liver, is responsible for the failure of oral testosterone to provide effective androgen replacement therapy.”

Testosterone metabolism by the rat gastrointestinal tract, in vitro and in vivo.
• Farthing MJ,
• Vinson GP,
• Edwards CR,
• Dawson AM.
We have shown previously that the capacity of the jejunal mucosa to oxidise testosterone to the weaker androgen, androstenedione, by the enzyme 17 beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (17 beta-HSD), is considerable. The present study extends these earlier observations by measuring 17 beta-HSD activity in different regions of the gastrointestinal tract, by investigating the potential for testosterone metabolism by slices and everted sacs of rat jejunum, and estimating the contribution of intestinal testosterone metabolites to circulating levels of plasma androgens, by portal vein sampling in the rat, in vivo. 17 beta-HSD activity in homogenates of gastric and duodenal mucosa was significantly higher than that in jejunum, and was also present in ileum and colon. In addition to androstenedione, slices and everted sacs of rat jejunum produced various metabolites, one of which was probably dihydrotestosterone. It was not, however, a major metabolite in vivo. It is suggested that 5 alpha-reduction may be favoured in vitro by a lower oxidation-reduction potential resulting from tissue anoxia. The major portal vein metabolite was androstenedione, the same major metabolite produced by mucosal homogenates. We conclude that oxidation of testosterone is the major metabolic pathway in intestinal mucosa and the capacity of the gastrointestinal tract to reduce the potency of testosterone is considerable. Our findings suggest that the gut, rather than the liver, is responsible for the failure of oral testosterone to provide effective androgen replacement therapy. The qualitative difference in testosterone metabolism between in vitro and in vivo preparations emphasises the need for caution in the interpretation of similar in vitro experiments.

What if we show you how by doing the OPPOSITE of what the “experts” told you, you could get more ACTIVE HORMONES in your body??? IMPOSSIBLE? To quote Kramer from Seinfeld “is it so possible that I just blew your mind?” So, the “so called” experts tell us we need to find better ways of making WRONG hormones more active, when actually we can feed the RIGHT hormones into the body and let it take its own natural course of conversion to PURE ACTIVE ANABOLICS!

Liquid Masterdrol’s end hormone Stenelone is 400% more anabolic than testosterone!
If you take the “old school” prohormone products, you got very little active in the muscle, where active is defined as something that builds muscle (3-one, 17b-ol steroids):

Oral Stenelone (illegal active steroid) + Gut Enzymes (17bHSD) = Androstanedione (inactive prohormone) + Liver/Muscle Enzymes (3bHSD) = Androsterone (inactive prohormone)

Oral Androstanedione (illegal inactive prohormone) + Gut Enzymes (17bHSD) = Stenelone (active steroid) + Liver/Muscle Enzymes (3bHSD) = Androstanediol (inactive prohormone)

Oral Androstanediol (illegal inactive prohormone) + Gut Enzymes (17bHSD) = Androsterone (inactive prohormone) + Liver/Muscle Enzymes (3a/3bHSD) = Androstanedione (inactive prohormone)

So, you can see that with the prohormones of old, you get INACTIVE hormones in the muscle no matter what path you take, EXCEPT for Liquid Masterdrol’s Androstane ester:

Liquid Masterdrol Androstane Ester (DSHEA compliant prohormone) + Gut Enzymes (17bHSD) = Androstanediol (prohormone) + Liver/Muscle Enzymes (3a/3bHSD) = Stenelone (ACTIVE STEROID)

Stenelone is 400% more anabolic than Testosterone!

ONLY Stenelone Builds Muscle and is 400% more anabolic than Testosterone! The only way to get STENELONE in the muscle is with Liquid Masterdrol! Yet again we lay the smack down on the competition.


I hope this wasn’t too complicated, but I wanted to show you how we OUTSMART them again with our Androstane and give you EXACTLY what you want in a supplement, something that works! The people you “thought” were the experts are working off the old theories from 8-10 years ago and that is why we have dominated the prohormone market for over 3 years!

How to take Liquid Masterdrol
The best way to take Liquid Masterdrol, depending on if you stack it or take it alone: By itself, take 1 dose of Liquid Masterdrol per day on off days with 20oz of water and use 2 doses on workout days with 20oz of water for up to 8 weeks. (2 on training days, 1 on off days) When stacked with Methyl 1-D or any other Methyl Prohormone, take 2 Servings of Liquid Masterdrol with 20oz of water right before workouts to provide immediate gains in intensity and strength. At the end of your cycle, use Formdrol Extreme at 3-4 capsules per day for post cycle therapy to boost natural testosterone production. Better yet combine Formadrol Extreme with Transform to keep size and strength gains post cycle.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Understand Your Feet to Reduce Running Injuries

We have all had some nagging muscles like our hamstrings, or discomfort in our side which we can run and train with. Though when the feet start to hurt, it can lay us up for weeks, months, or worse. Your feet and ankles are the foundation of your running and cardio program. When are feet are working correctly, they allows us to perform at our very best.

The two worse runner or jogger injuries are plantar fasciitis and Achilles tendonitis. Both of these injuries can be cause by overuse, lack of strength, or lack of flexibility. Though your feet are tough and can take a lot, we have to understand how important they are to keep them healthy and pain free.

Your foot is important in both the landing of your steps and the pushing off as well. This is why getting the right shows for your feet are so important. If you land or push off poorly it can affect your entire chain from your ankles, knees, hips, and shoulders. Most running injuries can be attributed back to how people either land or push off.

When you land and your foot is stiff the stress can is one of the causes of shin splints. When we land with a loose foot, the effect is the runners' knees pointing inwards which causes many critical problems.

Plantar fasciitis prevents more runners from running than any other injury. The plantar fascia runs the entire length of the bottom of the foot. The two main reasons for this injury are overtraining and tight calves which put undo strain. Because so many cardio injuries are overuse they can be hard to notice until it is too late. The plantar fascia has poor blood flow which makes it slow to heal. Only rest will relieve the inflammation.

To prevent this injury it is vital that your build up your miles slowly and are on a good training program. Don't necessarily just follow your buddies program. Many cardio athletes are over trainers by nature and don't understand how they don't have to run in pain. If you have tight calves active flexibility training can start to alleviate the issues. Important for you to work on active stretching over static stretching.

The Achilles tendon, which runs up the back of the leg from the heal to the calf, is the other common body injured in runners. Overuse and rapid increases in mileage are the two main culprits that affect your Achilles tendon. Only rest will take away the effects of Achilles tendonitis. Getting a properly fitted shoe is one way to support this issue from not happening.

If you see the trend that overuse is always the main problem with running injuries. The reality is you don't have to do so many miles like most people think. With proper heart rate training, you can train with faster workouts which are less miles and less wear and tear on the body. Interval, tempo, and threshold runs are a bigger key to running success and are a lot less miles.

Find personal trainer, fitness, and nutrition information you are seaching for at has a full library of diet, exercise, and supplement information.

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Become a More Athletic Golfer to Improve Your Golf Game

Golf and Fitness are two terms that can finally go hand in hand, thanks to one Tiger Woods and his famous mystery workout routine, and the other professional and amateur players who have followed his lead. Once an activity perhaps identified more with pot bellies, motorized carts and cups of beer on the course than physical strength and a good physique, there is now no question that golf has entered the world of a full fledged sport that requires physical training to perform at its best. Golfers on the professional tours look like athletes now, with more and more toned athletic bodies being seen on TV crushing the ball down the longest, most difficult courses in the world. Spending some time in the gym has been shown that it can make as big a difference in a golfer's score as time on the range or putting green. The game itself has changed, and the way players approach it has changed, as well.

As a personal trainer and avid golfer, the relationship between fitness and golf is a natural one to maintain, but it wasn't that way when I started playing the game as a junior. I first picked up clubs when I was about 5, then started playing seriously by about the seventh grade. By seriously I mean it had become the obsession that many golfers feel when they realize they would rather be golfing than just about anything else. A group of friends and I played regularly, and by high school, we were not only on our golf team together, we were some of the best players in our entire small town.

I was never able to hit the ball as far as my friends on the team, and one thing they told me over and over was that I should lift weights and get stronger, which at the time they did because they also played on the basketball team in the winter. As a skinny cross country runner at the time, I saw no need nor had any interest in lifting, as the weight room intimidated me in high school. I look back almost 30 years later as a much stronger, longer and better player than I was then (because I lift weights!) and wonder what might have been had I listened to them.

What my friends on the golf team did in the high school weight room in the early 80's was primitive to the workout science and programs that are available to golfers now, but they were definitely on to something. One way to look at it was that before it became popular, they were athletes who happened to play golf, and it showed in the length they had off the tee. This athletic approach can be applied to any golfer's game in the present day and immediately improve their ability to play better. With some examination, it is easy to see why.

The golf swing itself is actually an incredibly complex movement that combines virtually every muscle in the body into one coordinated action. The requirements of balance, coordination, flexibility, stability, strength and power all come into play in just one swing. Over the course of a practice session or round, endurance becomes a factor as well. Having some physical fitness in all of these areas can make for a much more effective swing. It is a bit ironic that golf itself does not require you to be in shape to play (unlike running a 10 k race, for example, which needs a level of fitness to even be attempted), nor will it really get you in shape by playing regularly (unless you walk rather than ride a cart). Yet working out overall dramatically increases the ability to perform the golf swing itself. So many players look to the next big expensive driver to add yardage off the tee. Well, what it they could hit it harder by being in better shape, and straighter, too?

Getting into the specifics of golf fitness, flexibility is paramount in the modern golf swing. The ability to turn the body through the trunk away from the ball, storing potential energy on the backswing, while maintaining an anchored, solid stance through the legs and hips, is what has been shown to generate the most power. Tiger Woods has a tremendous shoulder turn on his backswing which sets him up to uncoil with great speed through the ball on the downswing.

A person taking golf lessons and attempting to emulate Tiger's shoulder turn typically doesn't even have a body physically capable of doing that motion effectively! They may be taking lessons, yet are prevented from practicing the motion that they are learning by a lack of flexibility and fitness in the muscles of the trunk and back. Only by improving their fitness in these areas through proper training can they then expect to perform the proper motion.

In addition to flexibility, core strength and stability throughout the body are essential as well. These fitness terms refer to the body's strength in the trunk and the ability of the muscles of the entire body to operate in a coordinated, athletic way, which provide a stable "platform" in the body for hitting the golf ball. The more coordinated and stable the body is, the less motion is wasted during the swing and the more effort goes straight into hitting the ball where it is meant to go.

After flexibility is attained and a good amount of core strength and stability as well, more basic strength can then be added into a fitness routine. This could be along the lines of the classic term "lifting weights" that my high school buddies wanted me to do. A flexible and stable body that gets stronger, as long as the flexibility is not lost, can add significantly more effort to the golf swing, especially in situations where the ball may be in the rough or have a lie that requires more effort than the typical swing. If you watched Tiger Woods during the US Open in June, 2007, his physique from his fitness routine looked more muscular than ever, yet was very flexible. There were comments from the TV announcers many times on the level of his fitness and how it played out in making his game more effective. He is quite capable of hitting shots no one else on earth can because of his fitness level. As a result, he has more shots available to him to help him score.

So we know now how fitness has changed the game of golf and what is available to the player who chooses to add more fitness to their routine and golf game. Anyone can benefit from some exercise that is golf specific, and can participate at the level that they want. A person doesn't have to workout like Tiger Woods to get better. Sometimes even just working out regularly itself can make all the difference.

Find personal trainer the fitness and nutrition information you are seaching for at has a full library of diet, exercise, heart rate monitor, and supplement information.